Nutritional value of honey:
1 Tablespoon of honey (21 grams) = 64 calories, 17 grams of sugar

The benefits provided from the honey bee warrant an increased awareness — and protection — from our population. Aside from pollinating 85% of all of our food crops, bees also produce honey and bees wax. There are also new studies daily promoting the medicinal benefits provided to us by these tiny little insects.

Plant Pollination

Bees pollinate 85% of all food crops which helps increase crop and garden yields for both humans and animals.

Pollination helps plants to reproduce. In fact, there are some bees that pollinate only one type of plant and without the bee, those plants would die out completely.


Bees are the only insect that is able to produce a food source for human consumption.

Honey is a natural alternative to sugar. To replace sugar with honey in recipes:

  • 1 cup of honey = 1 1/2 cups of sugar
  • Because honey is 18% water, reduce other liquids in the recipe.

Honey is produced with absolutely no chemical or processing interference; especially in its raw and unfiltered form.

Consuming honey gathered from your local beekeepers can help reduce common allergens, including hay fever.

Honey is used in the production of Mead.

Medicinal Benefits

Honey has several antibacterial properties and has been proven to be an effective antibiotic against several human pathogens; even some life threatening conditions.

  • Wound infections
  • Cholera
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Septicemia and other blood infections
  • E. Coli
  • MRSA
  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Pneumonia and tuberculosis relief
  • Sore throat relief
  • Burn-wound infections
  • Gastritis and gastric malignancies
  • Some fever conditions
  • Pink eye infections
  • Allergens

Evidence has proven that giving children honey at a young age helps build resistance to allergies, but parents should consult their medical doctor before administering any home remedy for a condition.

To learn more about honey’s medicinal value, please visit the US National Library of Medicine.

Bees Wax

Bees wax is produced by the worker bees. Secreted from their wax glands, the bees use the wax to produce honeycombs for storing honey and brood cells. They also use the wax to seal — or cap — the cells once it contains either honey, pollen, or one of the queen’s eggs.

Beekeepers use wax to pre-coat new frames to help the bees build out comb faster.

Bees wax is commonly used in an array of household products:

  • Candles
  • Lip balms
  • Furniture wax and polishes
  • Hair products for shine
  • Skin products to tone, reduce wrinkles and acne
  • Chewing gum

Bees wax is also used as a method for preserving foods from spoiling. For instance, cheese is sometimes wrapped in wax to keep it fresh. Home canning sometimes calls for wax to seal jars of jellies and jams.

Bees wax recipes coming soon!